
Sustainable Social Development

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The aim of this programme is to produce competent social development experts that would support public and private entities in managing social dimensions of all developmental investment.
The objectives of the programme are to;

  • Equip students with broad knowledge of social standards and application of theories, models, methods and approaches in different socio-cultural contexts.
  • Cultivate in students the ability to apply social standards knowledge to understanding of growing societal problems in Nigeria and elsewhere.
  • Expose students to appreciate the importance of social standards in socio- cultural, legal, economic, political, industrial and environmental contexts.
  • Impact students with relevant knowledge and skill needed to proceed for further studies in special areas of social standards.
  • Foster interdisciplinary teamwork focused on developing and implementing solutions to social standards challenges.



This course is divided into two parts: (i) Foundational theories, and (ii) social standards theories. The foundational theories will emphasize the importance of psychological and sociological theories in the understanding of human behaviour and the treatment of social problems. Theories such as psychoanalysis, behaviourism, Gestalt psychology, motivation and personality, biopsychology and the cultural school of thought will be examined as they relate to social standards practice. Also contemporary sociological theories such as functionalism, conflict theory, exchange theory, symbolic interactionism (Labelling, bonding) and other perspectives will be considered. Application of these theories to contemporary problems will be emphasized. Finally, models of social work practice such as problem-solving, psychosocial, the functional, behavioural therapy, crisis intervention, the four systems model, task centered model, the unitary approach, critical theory, game theory, health belief model, rational choice model, strengths perspective among others will form the basis of discussion. Approaches to social group work and community development will also be presented and discussed.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Identify Key Theories: Recognize the major theories in the tradition of social standards.
  2. Analyze Applicability: Discuss the assumptions and real-world relevance of social standards theories.
  3. Critique Theories: Develop critical perspectives on each of the social standards theories.


The Course introduces the field of development studies through an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on theories of development; substantive issues of development; development strategy; and project appraisal. It aims to assess the historical process of development and underdevelopment, taking into account both internal and external factors. It attempts to provide an overview of alternative theoretical approaches in the analysis of developing countries and examines their policy implications.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Identify Key Theories: Recognize the foundational theories within the tradition of social standards.
  2. Discuss Assumptions: Analyze the underlying assumptions and practical applicability of social standard theories.
  3. Critique Theories: Formulate critical evaluations of the theories and their relevance to contemporary social standards.


This course focuses on analysing the need for social work research as well as methodological problems in social work. It discusses the ethics and politics of social work research; problem formulation; conceptualisation and operationalization; measurement; validity and reliability; sampling; sources of social work data and the techniques of relevant data gathering (quantitative and qualitative). The course also examines issues of programme evaluation as well as techniques of proposal and report writing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Differentiate Research Designs: Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research designs.
  2. Utilize Computerization: Implement the computerization of research processes effectively.
  3. Evaluate Social Standards Practices: Articulate the process of evaluating social standards practices as projects.


This course focuses on the use of advance statistical methods for social standards related data. Emphasis will be placed on analysis of descriptive data involving socio-economic variables such as age, social status, income and education as they affect different aspects of social standards such vulnerability, health seeking, service delivery and utilisation. Beyond mere descriptive analysis cross tabulation of bivariate and multivariate data will be discussed. Methods such as regression, correlation, factor analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be discussed. For purpose of projections, time series analysis will be examined to aid in examining best-fit in social relations.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Distinguish Statistical Methods: Identify the appropriate statistical methods relevant to their research problem.
  2. Differentiate Data Types: Distinguish between statistics applicable for relational data and non-probabilistic data.
  3. Apply Rigorous Statistics: Utilize the most suitable and rigorous statistical approaches for the specific requirements of their research design.


This course focuses on the concept of psychopathology, normal and abnormal behaviour, diagnosis and classification of mental disorders. The course will also examine early and modern explanations of abnormal behaviour, the two World Classification systems (ICIN and DSM systems) of abnormal behaviour, psychopathological disorders, neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic personality disorders, emotional disorders, sexual disorders, as well as childhood and adolescents disorders. It will also consider abnormalities of perception, research methods and social standards intervention in psychopathology.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand Psychopathology Classification: Explain the foundational basis for classification and diagnosis in psychopathology.
  2. Analyze Mental Illness Factors: Discuss the various factors that contribute to the development of mental illnesses.
  3. Differentiate Psychological Disorders: Distinguish between psychosis and neurosis based on their characteristics and implications.


This course addresses the meaning of social procurement, social procurement policy and standard procurement. It shows the extent to which social procurement add value through standards to general procurement in line with Value For Money (VFM). It will discuss how social procurement can be an untapped opportunity for social, cultural and environmental impact. How social standard in procurement can promote a macro benefit for the community, the economy and the environment.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Explain VFM in Social Procurement: Articulate the importance of Value for Money (VFM) in achieving social procurement objectives.
  2. Identify Untapped Benefits: Recognize and leverage the overlooked advantages of integrating social standards into procurement processes.
  3. Adopt International Best Practices: Explain globally recognized best practices for implementing social standards in procurement.


At the end of the first session (that is end of second semester), students are required to go on fieldwork placement in the third semester for a period of eighteen (18) weeks. Sixteen (16) weeks would be spent in the student's area of specialisation while one (1) week each will be spent in two other areas of specialisation. The course offers the student an educational experience in a social service agency under the supervision of a qualified professional. The purpose of the course is to integrate materials gained in academic course with practice in the field. At the end of the placement, the student will be expected to submit a field work practicum report to the Department using a departmental format.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Undertake an in-depth study of social welfare, community work and industrial social welfare among others.


The course deals with the various institutions established for the correction and rehabilitation of offenders e.g. prisons, detention centres, and approved schools. It also deals with the history of penological thought, particularly the philosophical background of the penal system. It involves a critical analysis of penal institutions across cultures, with special attention paid to the need for the establishment of the institutions, and its physical economic, social and human features. It examines the objective of punishment in the light of modern penelogical concepts with particular emphasis on the Nigerian situation. The course also evaluates the role of the institution within particular cultures and across cultures.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand Penal Philosophy: Explain the underlying philosophy of the penal system and its purpose.
  2. Discuss Punishment Institutions: Analyze the role and function of institutions responsible for administering punishment.
  3. Explore Social Standards: Explain international social standards for the humane treatment and rehabilitation of offenders.


This course explores the role of social standards in emergency situations and the various strategies of handling emergencies in different localities based on the magnitude and intensity. The social standards officer will be exposed to various skills required to offer practical social response in the event of a disaster and basic first aid information that they can administer. Also, various forms of social and health voluntary organisations as well as the methods employed by selected agencies will be explored. The role of international organisations and global instruments governing humanitarian responses will also be evaluated.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand Penal Philosophy: Explain the underlying philosophy of the penal system and its purpose.
  2. Discuss Punishment Institutions: Analyze the role and function of institutions responsible for administering punishment.
  3. Explore Social Standards: Explain international social standards for the humane treatment and rehabilitation of offenders.


This course examines concepts, nature and process of communication barriers, the use of projected and non-projected aids in communication. Channels of communication and framework for inter-viewing will also be considered. The course will equally focus on communication for problem solving, professional helping, the helping interview, the helping relationship, group interviewing techniques, professional issues, etc.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Critically analyze advances in project and programme management; and
  2. Understand and apply big data analysis and virtual technologies in logistics development


The course explores social problems and social action, analysis of problems associated with the family, delinquency and the incidence of mental illness. Furthermore, the course will present the standard features of social problems, mode of perceiving and addressing social problems. Furthermore, the role of absence of standards in service delivery and procurement in generating social problem will be interrogated.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Identify Social Problem Factors: Recognize the underlying factors that contribute to the generation of social problems.
  2. Explain Sectoral Impact: Analyze how the decline in standards within key sectors leads to social issues.
  3. Address Welfare Jeopardy: Identify how the lack of social standards jeopardizes the welfare of individuals and society as a whole.


This course would discuss the meaning, aspects, functions, principle, philosophy, practice, and application of forensic social standards.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course. students should be able to:

  1. Understand Forensic Standards: Explain the standard practices involved in forensic investigations.
  2. Analyze Socio-Economic Variables: Describe standard methods for determining the socio-economic characteristics of human remains.
  3. Utilize Forensic Tools: Discuss the role of forensic tools in enhancing the application of social standards in practice.


The course examines the definition and measurement of poverty; incidence of Poverty and its impact on the economy; structural and profile analysis of the poor in terms of gender and rural-urban composition. It will review the basic theories of economic development and the relevance and implications for poverty alleviation and gender equity. The course will also explore the understanding of the relationship between under development, gender inequalities and poverty. It will interrogate approaches to engendering development and poverty alleviation programmes; roles of Government and the private sector in enhancing gender equity and poverty alleviation in developing countries. While exploring the ‘feminization’ of poverty, the course will examine the role of gender in the interface of issues relating to human security e.g. security of life and property, food security, and access to basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, education, employment, and a safe environment among others.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course. students should be able to:

  1. Functionality: Understanding essential functions to determine value.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Reducing costs without compromising quality.
  3. Stakeholder Involvement: Encouraging collaboration for creative solutions.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Ongoing evaluation and enhancement of processes.


The main thrust of the course is to present the nature of technology, the impact of technology on social standards, and the role or contribution of social standards to scientific and technological growth. The course also highlights how the request for social standard issues in science and technology policy and the apparent marginalisation of women in several decision-making contexts, affect their socio-economic and political lives. This course explores such issues as - the interrelationships of social standards, science, and technology; social standards in science and technology; ways in which technology is gendered, and how social standards influences technology.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course. students should be able to:

  1. Understand Social Standards in Science and Technology: Recognize the role and significance of social standards in the advancement of science and technology.
  2. Apply Standard Principles in Mathematics: Identify fundamental mathematical standards that act as catalysts for the development of science and technology.
  3. Promote Sustained Standards: Explain the importance of establishing and maintaining standards for the growth and sustainability of science and technology.


This course aims to give participants a basic understanding of the role of gender in community development. The course will present obstacles for women in community driven development. Students will be exposed to the Gender and Development (GAD) approach and Women in Development – WID with emphasis on differences and convergence. Furthermore, consideration will be given to social standards practices that emphasize equity and equality in gender representative for purpose of development.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course. students should be able to:

  1. Identify Cultural Factors: Recognize cultural influences that contribute to gender discrimination in developmental efforts.
  2. Differentiate WID and GAD: Distinguish between Women in Development (WID) and Gender and Development (GAD) approaches.
  3. Promote Gender Development: Specify international best practices that advance gender-driven development initiatives.


The course introduces various forms of disabilities and their physical, emotional, social and economic impact on persons. The various forms of rehabilitation (physical, emotional, educational, social and economic) services available in Nigeria are also discussed. The organisation of rehabilitation services and modern trends in rehabilitation projects such as community based vocational rehabilitation (CBVR) will be examined. Current forms of skill acquisitions useful for self-employment or employment in the formal wage sector will also be discussed. And so, the areas covered in the course include institutional care of challenged persons, community based rehabilitation, vocational and occupation rehabilitation services, social standards with refugees and internally displaced persons, rehabilitation of trafficked and abused persons, social policies for persons living with disability, rehabilitation services aimed at enabling chronically ill older adults with functional disabilities to gain considerable functional independence, and mental health care.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course. students should be able to:

  1. Understand Rehabilitation: Explain the concept of rehabilitation and its role in addressing individual and societal needs.
  2. Explore Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR): Explain the principles and practices of community-based rehabilitation (CBR).
  3. Social Standards in Rehabilitation: Analyze the role of social standards in ensuring effective and inclusive rehabilitation practices.


The course provides students with the understanding of the meaning of counselling, the counsellor as a person and a professional, the personal characteristics of an effective counsellor, ethical issues in counselling practice as well as the counselling and the therapeutic process. The theories and techniques of counselling practice such as psychoanalytic, humanistic and existential therapy, people-centred, gestalt, behavioural, cognitive, reality, feminist and family systems theories and therapies would be highlighted and discussed.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students should be familiar with:

  1. Understand Ethics in Counselling: Explain the importance of ethics and values in fostering professional counselling engagements.
  2. Integrate Emotional Insights: Analyze how thinking, feeling, and behavior contribute to effective counselling interventions.
  3. Explore Therapeutic Approaches: Explain various therapeutic methods used in counselling psychology.


The course aims to give participants a basic understanding of the definitions of basic concepts in gender, the social construction of gender and gender identities, and how these have impacted on social policies, and social work practice. The course will expose students to key concepts in the analysis of social relations between men and women in different cultural, economic and political contexts. It will particularly build students’ capacity to recognize gender issues in Nigeria, the social and economic status of women and the implications of these for social work practice. Opportunities will be provided students to develop their own gender analysis skills through the application of selected approaches and tools to policy, planning, projects and budget related case studies from Nigeria and other countries. The course will also consider gender mainstreaming as a strategy for the achievement of gender equality. Students will investigate how gender mainstreaming has been adopted by international agencies and Nongovernmental Organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand Gender Analysis: Comprehend the key concepts and frameworks involved in gender analysis.
  2. Differentiate Concepts: Distinguish between gender analysis and gender mainstreaming, highlighting their unique roles.
  3. Achieve Gender Equality: Explain the processes and strategies for attaining equality in gender relations.


This course will explain the specific and operational defunct ion of social impact assessment (SIA) and how it (SIA) is as a process of identifying and managing the social impacts of industrial projects. The various application areas of SIA in projects will be described. A comprehensive guide for social impact assessment in line with international best practices will be discussed. Distinctions will be made between Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and social Impact Assessment (SIA).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Describe Social Impact Assessment (SIA): Provide a detailed explanation of what SIA entails and its significance.
  2. Understand SIA Specifics: Explain the key methodologies and steps involved in conducting a Social Impact Assessment.
  3. Differentiate SIA and EIA: Highlight the distinctions between Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


At the end of the first session (that is end of second semester), students are required to go on fieldwork placement in the third semester for a period of eighteen (18) weeks. Sixteen (16) weeks would be spent in the student's area of specialisation while one (1) week each will be spent in two other areas of specialisation. The course offers the student an educational experience in a social service agency under the supervision of a qualified professional. The purpose of the course is to integrate materials gained in academic course with practice in the field. At the end of the placement, the student will be expected to submit a field work practicum report to the Department using a departmental format.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Describe Social Impact Assessment (SIA): Provide a detailed explanation of what SIA entails and its significance.
  2. Understand SIA Specifics: Explain the key methodologies and steps involved in conducting a Social Impact Assessment.
  3. Differentiate SIA and EIA: Highlight the distinctions between Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

SODV881 Seminar: Research Proposal

Seminar will be presented on the background, statement of problem, research questions, objectives of the study, literature review and theory explaining the study. The methodology of the study will be presented in details in the course of the seminar.

SODV 882 Research Project (Dissertation)

In the third semester the student is expected to carry out an original research project on a standards practice/social service/social problem/ and write a report under the direct supervision of departmental staff. The research project is quantitative and qualitative. It will be based on library and/or fieldwork research. The research project report is to be defended before a panel of examiners to qualify students for graduation. The research project is to be written in five chapters:

  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the research topic, including background and objectives.
  2. Literature Review: Summarize existing studies and identify gaps relevant to the research question.
  3. Research Methodology: Describe the methods and techniques used for data collection and analysis.
  4. Data Analysis: Present and interpret the results of the research, using appropriate tools and methods.
  5. Discussion and Conclusion: Discuss findings in the context of the research objectives and conclude with implications or recommendations.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this fieldwork, learners will be able to:
  1. Differentiate Research Designs: Identify and distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research designs.
  2. Develop Research Tools: Design instruments and tools for data generation and gathering tailored to the research objectives.
  3. Construct Sampling Frames: Create a sampling frame that aligns with the chosen research design.
  4. Select Analytical Tools: Identify and apply suitable analytical tools for data analysis, leading to comprehensive report writing.


Students are to register minimum of two electives for a total of 4 units

Course Code Course Name Course Unit Status
SODV815 Social Standards and the Nigerian Penal System 2 CR
SODV817 Social Standards, Emergencies and Disaster Management 2 CR
SODV819 Communication Skills for Human Services 2 CR
SODV821 Contemporary Social Problems 2 CR
SODV823 Social Standards and Forensic Tools 2 CR
SODV825 Social Standards, Poverty and Human Security 2 CR
SODV827 Social Standards in Science and Technology 2 CR
SODV829 Social Standards, Gender and Community Development 2 CR
Total 16


The following are the rationale and justification for creation of the programme:

  1. Masters Degree Students: Students are encouraged to develop more theoretical insight to facilitate their understanding of not only current developments in society and the workplace, but also to enhance their adaptation and appropriate response to future developments.
  2. Skills and Competencies: A graduate of Sustainable Social Development at the Bachelor's degree level should have the following competencies and skills:
    • Ability to demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding of the essentials in all the subject knowledge areas identified;
    • Ability to apply such knowledge and understanding to the solution of social problems;
    • Ability to recognize and analyse new problems and plan strategies for their solutions;
    • Subject-specific and transferable skills which allow for the pursuit of a wide range of careers after graduation.
  3. Behavioural Attributes: Should be able to demonstrate adequate:
    • Knowledge of Social Development Studies concepts, theories, and models and their applications;
    • Knowledge of a wide range of Social Development studies research methods;
    • Generic knowledge in the various fields of Social Development;
    • Computing skills;
    • Ability to function entrepreneurially in a wide range of choices;
    • Skills needed for further studies;
    • Ability to apply critical Social Development reasoning to problem solving.


The students will be sourced from the existing Social Development Officers and middle class Social Development Officers in various Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies at State and Federal levels who will need certification after graduation.


The criteria for admission into the MSc Social Development Studies programme are as follows:

  • Candidates must meet the basic matriculation requirement of Ahmadu Bello University which is 5 O’ level credits including English Language and Mathematics.
  • In addition to (i) candidates with minimum of Second Class (Lower Division) Bachelor’s degree in Social Development Studies, Social Work, Sociology or a related discipline such as from an approved university or the postgraduate diploma with a CGPA of not lower than 3.0 on a 5-point scale from an accredited university; Or
  • Candidates with a PGD in Social Development Studies at credit level pass on weighted percentage average.


The duration of the Master of Science (M.Sc) Social Development Studies degree programme is 4 (four) semesters.


To be awarded the Masters Degree, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 38 credit units inclusive of 4 credit unit of electives per semester. In addition, a student shall present at least two seminars and submit and defend a dissertation.


The Course shall be delivered using lecture and presentation approaches via online and physical interaction. Students shall be graded as follows:

  • Continuous assessment including presentations and assignments: 40%
  • Examination: 60%


The minimum credit load per semester that a student is required to take is 15 credit units.

First Semester
Course Code Course Name Course Unit Status
SODV801 Advanced Social Standards Theories 2 CR
SODV803 Social Standards and Development Policies/Frameworks 2 CR
SODV805 Advanced Research Methods for Social Standards 2 CR
SODV807 Statistical Methods in Social Standards 2 CR
SODV809 Psychopathology 2 CR
SODV811 Social Standards in Procurement 2 CR
SODV813 Practicum I 2 CR
Total 14 units

Second Semester: Core courses
Course Code Course Name Course Unit Status
SODV804 Advanced Social Standards in Rehabilitation 2 CR
SODV806 Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy 2 CR
SODV808 Gender Analysis and Gender Mainstreaming in Social Standards Practice 2 CR
SODV810 Social Impact Assessment in Projects & Programmes 2 CR
SODV812 Practicum II 2 CR
Total 10