Advanced Certificate in Procurement

Aims And Objective Of The Training

The aim of this one year course is to provide participants with:

  • Capacity to manage the planning processes associated with the procurement of goods, services and works;
  • Additional skills to improve communication, negotiation and personal professional development skills required by those involved in advanced level procurement; and
  • Improved capacity to manage the evaluation, contract development, and contract administration process associated with advanced level procurement.


The courses/modules that would be taught are: Global logistics strategy; Managing Supply Chain Risk; Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply; Advanced contract and fnancial management; Managing contractual risk, Advanced negotiation; Project and change management; Strategic procurement planning; Planning of significance procurement; Contingency planning at advanced strategic level; Integration of procurement plan with organizational and financial strategies; Organizing procurement activities; Centralization versus decentralization, Controlling procurement performance; Sustainable procurement; Governance and ethics; and e-Procurement.

Target Audience

The target audience for the training programme will be public servants, private and civil society personnel, graduates, the unemployed and school leavers who are taking on procurement responsibilities or who wish to acquire professional skills in procurement.


The programme duration will be one full academic session, i.e. a period not less than nine months of pedagogic interaction.