Course List

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Module 1: Legal, regulatory and Organisational Frameworks for Public Procurement in Nigeria

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

One of the critical success factors for successful procurement systems whether at national or organisational levels is the establishment of strong legal, regulatory, institutional and organisational frameworks that would drive procurement activities.

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MODULE 2: Strategic and Operational Procurement Planning

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

The first step to every procurement exercise is planning. To plan procurements effectively, procuring entities conduct needs assessment, collate and prioritise the needs, carry out market research and analysis to determine the cost implication of the needs.

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MODULE 3: Procurement Management for Goods

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Organisations spend huge sums of monies to procure goods they need to achieve their primary mandates. These procurements must be guided by regulations that set forth the guidelines on how they are done.

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MODULE 4: Procurement Management for Works

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This course enlightens on the types of works contracts, prequalification in works contracts, Standard Bidding Documents (SBD) for works, price adjustment procedures in small and large works contracts, bidding forms and works requirements, bid evaluation in works contracts, conditions of contract, general conditions of contract, as well as Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanisms.

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Module 5: Selection and Recruitment of Consultants

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Consultancy services involve the selection of external firms or individuals to provide services of an intellectual nature like engineering design, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, legal and audit services etc. and/or services of an advisory or capacity-building nature like management consultancies, training etc.

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Module 6: Performance-based Procurement of Non-consultancy Services

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This course provides participants with the rudiments on of procurement of non-consultancy services. It aims to explain the principles of procurement of physical services, performance-based specifications versus input-based specifications, definition of the TOR/scope of services suitable for Performance-based contracting, prequalification of service providers, preparation of data sheet, bid evaluation, conditions of contract, as well as facilities management contracts.

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Module 7: Procurement for Design Supply and Installation of Electro-mechanical Plant

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Realising the significant role technology plays in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of various human endeavors, the study of the procurement process for the design, supply and installation of electro-magnetic plant cannot be overemphasised. This module provides insight on the concept, scenarios and features of procurement of electro-mechanical plants.

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Module 8: Advanced Contract Management and Assessment of Vendors’ Performance

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Once contracts for procurement are signed, parties to the contract rely on the contract provisions to guide their relationships, especially in the discharge of their obligations to the contracts. Sometimes managing the contract stage could be very difficult and tasking especially in complex projects.

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Module 9: Procurement Audit

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This course exposes participants to best practices in procurement audits and investigations. The course enables participants to understand the essential tools needed to perform internal-control related services.

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Module 10: Sustainable Procurement (Economic, Social and Environmental Considerations)

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This module provides the participants with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability in the procurement of goods, works and services. Participants would learn how to analyse and integrate economic, environmental and social considerations in the procurements.

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Module 7: Procurement for Design Supply and Installation of Electro-mechanical Plant

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Realising the significant role technology plays in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of various human endeavors, the study of the procurement process for the design, supply and installation of electro-magnetic plant cannot be overemphasised. This module provides insight on the concept, scenarios and features of procurement of electro-mechanical plants.

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