Module 1: Course Details

Module 1: Legal, regulatory and Organisational Frameworks for Public Procurement in Nigeria

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

One of the critical success factors for successful procurement systems whether at national or organisational levels is the establishment of strong legal, regulatory, institutional and organisational frameworks that would drive procurement activities.

This is module lays a solid foundation to participants on the various frameworks needed to establish strong, effective and efficient procurement systems. The course provides insight on procurement laws, regulations and the various institutions, and organisational frameworks needed to entrench best practices and achieve best value for money on every government spending.

The UNCITRAL procurement model, which is considered as one of the most popular procurement models adopted by many countries, is also discussed. Finally, a close look at the Nigerian Procurement framework is undertaken. The legal, regulatory, and organisational frameworks that support procurement in the Nigeria Public sector is thoroughly analysed and compared to best practices in other developed and developing countries globally.

Learning Outcomes

Participants at this training would acquire a wide range of skills on the following:

1 The concept of public procurement: definition
2 Understanding of the scope of application of public procurement laws and regulations and the history of evolution of public procurement laws and regulations;
3 The differences between public and private procurement
4 Understanding of the typical contents of secondary legislation like the Procurement Regulations and the role of Standard Bidding Documents
5 Knowledge of the purpose of UNCITRAL’s Model Law in assisting all countries in harmonizing their respective national procurement law in accordance with internationally agreed principles and norms
6 Understand the procurement tasks that compose each of the three phases of the procurement process

Module Breakdown

This module is broken down into the following content:

1 Introduction to Procurement
2 The Legal and Regulatory frameworks for Public Procurement
3 Institutional and Organizational frameworks for Public Procurement
4 Legal Framework for Public Procurement in Nigeria
5 UNCITRAL Model Law (Key provisions and Bidders’ Complaints Mechanism)
6 UNCITRAL Procurement Methods
7 UNCITRAL Procurement Methods
7 The WB Procurement Regulations
8 OECD –DAC Assessment Methodology (MAPS II)
9 Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) –World Trade Organization
10 Steps of the procurement process and the Competency Framework for the Public Procurement Profession
11 Anti-Corruption measures and Code of Conduct of procurement Professionals
12 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions

Target Participants

This module is broken down into the following content:

1 Procurement officers working in Federal, States Ministries, parastatals and Agencies in Nigeria
2 Private sector CEOs and procurement practitioners who want to establish strong procurement systems in their organisations
3 Early career public procurement officers lacking the basic knowledge and expertise on procurement
4 Fresh graduates with keen interest in taking procurement as career

Course Delivery Method

This course is delivered physically and virtually by highly experienced resource persons from the industry and the academia within and outside Nigeria. The online option is conducted using interactive self-guided learning modules. Furthermore, candidates are evaluated through case study analyses sessions, group discussions and presentations during the workshop.