Module 10: Course Details

Module 10: Sustainable Procurement (Economic, Social and Environmental Considerations)

This module provides the participants with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability in the procurement of goods, works and services.

Participants would learn how to analyse and integrate economic, environmental and social considerations in the procurements. Similarly, the workshop would take participants through various international regulatory frameworks for sustainable procurement and the methodology adopted by these frameworks to integrate sustainability across procurement stages and processes.

Learning Outcomes

Participants at the end of this training should be able to:

1 Explain the concept of Sustainable Development and its three pillars
2 Identify and apply the enabling conditions for promoting national SPP strategies
3 Identify the drivers and barriers to SPP implementation
4 Recognize the social and environmental considerations to be taken into account at the first two steps of the procurement process
5 Be able to use social and environmental considerations in setting bidders’ qualifications requirements
6 Be able to use social and environmental considerations as contract conditions

Module Breakdown

This module is broken down into the following sessions:

1 Introduction to Sustainable Public Procurement, Definition of SPP and how it is linked to Sustainable Development
2 Drivers, Enabling Conditions, Barriers and Benefits of SPP
3 UNEP SPP Implementation Methodology
4 Integration of SPP: Identification of Need and definition of the Requirement
5 Use of eco-labels, Social and Fair-Trade labels in implement SPP procurement operations
6 Integration of SPP: Bidders’ Qualifications and Bid Evaluation Criteria steps
7 Integration of SPP considerations in the procurement process: Contract conditions
8 Bid evaluation in SPP operations (including use of the LCC bid evaluation method)
9 Application of SPP to Priority Sectors: Construction, IT equipment and Cleaning Services
10 UN Global Compact and the role of the Private Sector in SPP and SD
11 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions

Target Participants

This course targets the following group of participants:

1 Procurement officers working in Federal, States Ministries, parastatals and Agencies in Nigeria
2 Accounting officers and CEOs in public and private sector organisations
3 Private sector CEOs and procurement practitioners
4 Contractors and Consultants involved in procurement of works, goods and services
5 Project managers from all Federal Government MDAs, State Government, Ministries and Agencies.
6 Fresh graduates with keen interest in taking procurement as career

Course Delivery Method

This course is delivered physically and virtually by highly experienced resource persons from the industry and the academia within and outside Nigeria. The online option is conducted using interactive self-guided learning modules. Furthermore, candidates are evaluated through case study analyses sessions, group discussions and presentations during the workshop