Module 5: Course Details

Module 2: Strategic and Operational Procurement Planning

Consultancy services involve the selection of external firms or individuals to provide services of an intellectual nature like engineering design, feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments, legal and audit services etc. and/or services of an advisory or capacity-building nature like management consultancies, training etc.

The process of selecting the right service providers if not carefully managed could lead to poor procurement outcomes that do not represent value for money. To ensure that right hands are engaged in provision of services, this course explores the selection methods and practices underlying the procurement of consultancy services. The course covers a wide range of issues on procurement of consultancy services such as nature and scope of consultancy services; relevance of recruiting consultants; types of consultancy contracts; steps followed in the selection process for consultants.

It also exposes participants on how to prepare Terms of Reference (TOR), Expression of Interest (EOI), Standard Request for Proposals (RFP), and how to evaluate consultancy proposals.

Learning Outcomes

Participants at the end of this training should be able to:

1 Appreciate the range/scope of consultancy services and the key reasons for recruiting consultants
2 Understand the different types of consultancy contracts and their various areas of application
3 Understand the rationale behind each consecutive step of the selection process for consultants
4 Prepare ToRs, EoIs, RFP and evaluate consultancy proposals effectively

Module Breakdown

This module is broken down into the following sessions:

1 Introduction: Nature and scope of Consultancy services and why recruit consultants?
2 Types of consultancy Contracts
3 Steps in the selection process for consultants
4 Expression of Interest (EOI) and Shortlisting of consultancy firms and joint ventures
5 Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) and budget estimate
6 Standard Request for Proposals (RFP)
7 Evaluation of Consultancy Proposals
7 General and Special Conditions of Contract in consultancy assignments
8 General and Special Conditions of Contract in consultancy assignments
9 Procurement Planning Using the Nigeria Public Procurement Framework
12 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions
13 Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) and budget estimate
14 Management of Consultancy Contracts
15 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions

Target Participants

This course targets the following group of participants:

1 Consultants involved in the processes of procurement of works, goods and services and
2 Project managers from all Federal Government MDAs, State Government, Ministries and Agencies.
3 Procurement officers working in Federal, States Ministries, parastatals and Agencies in Nigeria
4 Private sector CEOs and procurement practitioners
9 Fresh graduates with keen interest in taking procurement as career

Course Delivery Method

This course is delivered physically and virtually by highly experienced resource persons from the industry and the academia within and outside Nigeria. The online option is conducted using interactive self-guided learning modules. Furthermore, candidates are evaluated through case study analyses sessions, group discussions and presentations during the workshop.