Module 8: Course Details

Module 8: Advanced Contract Management and Assessment of Vendors’ Performance

Once contracts for procurement are signed, parties to the contract rely on the contract provisions to guide their relationships, especially in the discharge of their obligations to the contracts. Sometimes managing the contract stage could be very difficult and tasking especially in complex projects.

To address this challenge, this course provides participants with in-depth discussions on contracts management of goods, works and services. This course first reviews concepts of contract management, types of contracts for different procurement, and contractual issues associated to various procurement types.

Subsequently, other issues such as contract structure and contract control rectangle, sources and types of risks and relationship management in contracts, relevant KPIs for monitoring and assessment of vendors’ performance are discussed. Furthermore, participants are taught how to prepare contract management plan (CMP) for goods, works and services.

Learning Outcomes

Participants at the end of this training should:

1 Appreciate the concept of contract and stages in contract management
2 Identify contract’s key parameters and the need for specific procedures to manage/control these parameters
3 Understanding how to apply Change Management and Value Engineering procedures in relevant construction and physical services’ contracts
4 Develop contract management plan for procurement of goods, works and services

Module Breakdown

This module is broken down into the following sessions:

1 Introduction to Contract Management
2 The Contract Structure and Contract Control Rectangle
3 Sources and Types of Risks and Relationship Management in Contracts
4 Preparation of Contract Management Plan and Setting of KPIs
5 Contract Management Plan for Works and Non-Consulting Services and Related Issues
6 Contract Management Plan for Consultancy Services Contracts
7 Contractual Claims: Principles & Costing
8 Amicable Settlement and Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanisms (Dispute Management Board)
9 Taking over Certificate, Defects Liability Period in Works Contracts and Contract Close-Out
10 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions

Target Participants

This course targets the following set of participants:

1 Procurement officers working in Federal, States Ministries, parastatals and Agencies in Nigeria
2 Private sector CEOs and procurement practitioners
3 Contractors and Consultants involved in procurement of works, goods and services
4 Project managers from all Federal Government MDAs, State Government, Ministries and Agencies.
5 Fresh graduates with keen interest in taking procurement as career

Course Delivery Method

This course is delivered physically and virtually by highly experienced resource persons from the industry and the academia within and outside Nigeria. The online option is conducted using interactive self-guided learning modules. Furthermore, candidates are evaluated through case study analyses sessions, group discussions and presentations during the workshop.