Module 9: Course Details

Module 9: Procurement Audit

This course exposes participants to best practices in procurement audits and investigations. The course enables participants to understand the essential tools needed to perform internal-control related services.

It covers a wide range of concepts and issues such as setting of key procurement indicators, types of procurement audit, audit objectives and applicable standards, role of the principal procurement auditor, preparation for the audit assignment, and analysis of risks in the procurement process. Furthermore, participants are exposed to tips for preparation of audit plan, audit scope and objectives, estimation of needed time and resources, execution of audit, sources and types of evidence and evidence requirements, as well as preparation of the audit report.

Learning Outcomes

Participants at this training would acquire a wide range of skills on the following:

1 Understand the role of the Procurement Manager/Supervisor in the design and management of the three pillars of successful procurement organizations
2 Recognize the four dimensions for measurement of outcomes of a procurement organization
3 Recognize the fundamental principles governing the public procurement legal framework that must be applied by the procurement auditor
4 Understand the purpose, objectives and timing of the various types of procurement audit
5 Undertake the preparatory work needed ahead of executing the procurement audit assignment
6 Recognize the typical contents of a procurement audit report

Module Breakdown

This module is broken down into the following sessions:

1 The Role of Procurement in corporate management
2 Functions of the Procurement Manager/Supervisor
3 Setting of Key Procurement Indicators (KPIs)
4 Types of Procurement Audit, audit objectives and applicable standards
5 Role of the Principal Procurement Auditor and Preparation for the Audit Assignment
6 Analysis of Risks in the Procurement Process
7 Analysis of Risks in the Procurement Process: Bidding and Contract Management
8 Preparation of Audit plan, Audit Scope and objectives and estimation of needed time and resources
9 Execution of Audit, sources and types of evidence and evidence requirements
10 Preparation of the Audit Report: Contents, applicable quality standards and Follow-up arrangements
11 Copious Case Studies Analyses Sessions

Target Participants

This course targets the following set of participants:

1 Detectives and officers working with anti-corruption agencies such as EFFC and ICPC
2 Financial auditors and accountants working in public and private sector organisations
3 Procurement officers working in Federal, States Ministries, parastatals and Agencies in Nigeria
4 Accounting officers and CEOs in public and private sector organisations
5 Project managers from all Federal Government MDAs, State Government, Ministries and Agencies.
6 Fresh graduates with keen interest in taking procurement as career

Course Delivery Method

This course is delivered physically and virtually by highly experienced resource persons from the industry and the academia within and outside Nigeria. The online option is conducted using interactive self-guided learning modules. Furthermore, candidates are evaluated through case study analyses sessions, group discussions and presentations during the workshop.