Social Development Module List

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Module 1: Historical Perspective and Developing Trends

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 2: Indigenous People, labour Practices & Resettlementg

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 3 - Legal Framework, Property Rights and the Nigerian Law and Regulations

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 4 - Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land use and Involuntary Resettlement Complexities and Challenges

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 5 - Adaptive Management in Resettlement Planning and Implementation

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 6 - Resettlement Costing, Finance Asset Valuation Authorization

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 7 - Gender, Vulnerability and Empowerment in Resettlement

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25


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Module 8 - Alternative Means of Obtaining Project Sites Community Engagement

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Once contracts for procurement are signed, parties to the contract rely on the contract provisions to guide their relationships, especially in the discharge of their obligations to the contracts. Sometimes managing the contract stage could be very difficult and tasking especially in complex projects.

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Module 9 - Monitoring and Eval., Information Collection and Assessment

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This course exposes participants to best practices in procurement audits and investigations. The course enables participants to understand the essential tools needed to perform internal-control related services.

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Module 10 - Relocation, Livelihood Changes and Community and Family Health

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

This module provides the participants with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to integrate sustainability in the procurement of goods, works and services. Participants would learn how to analyse and integrate economic, environmental and social considerations in the procurements.

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Module 11 – Conflict Management and Resolution in Resettlement

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Realising the significant role technology plays in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of various human endeavors, the study of the procurement process for the design, supply and installation of electro-magnetic plant cannot be overemphasised. This module provides insight on the concept, scenarios and features of procurement of electro-mechanical plants.

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Module 12 - Crime Prevention and Management in Resettlement

  • Registration Fee : Nigerians ₦10, 000 | Non-Nigerians $25

Realising the significant role technology plays in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of various human endeavors, the study of the procurement process for the design, supply and installation of electro-magnetic plant cannot be overemphasised. This module provides insight on the concept, scenarios and features of procurement of electro-mechanical plants.

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